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Wealth advice

We provide comprehensive solutions and strategies to ensure every aspect of your financial situation is working optimally for you.

We’re here to simplify your financial life

Time is precious and there are many things you’d rather do than sorting out your finances. Whether you have straightforward or complex needs, we provide a highly tailored service to support your financial success.


We do the numbers and use our expertise to structure your arrangements so you can make informed decisions, optimise your tax and create wealth.

We’ll keep you on track

At Shadforth we pride ourselves on providing tailored wealth solutions informed by our up-to-the-minute knowledge of all the best financial options. We start by listening to you and gaining a full understanding of your situation, dreams and priorities. With these individual insights, our wealth adviser will coach you through every phase of your life, keeping you on track to help you achieve your goals sooner.

Our approach to wealth advice involves 4 simple steps

We’re here to help you make sense of your finances and we'll work with you every step of the way towards your future goals:

We match you with the right adviser

Your adviser will have the right knowledge and experience to understand your situation in life.

Discovery meeting

​​​​​​​We take the time to listen to you and understand your circumstances and goals so we can tailor our support to your unique needs.

Wealth management meeting

We research and model your situation before presenting you with our financial recommendations.

Ongoing Service

We track your progress towards your goals and review our advice, recommendations and plans to ensure they continue to meet your needs.

Insights related to wealth

Transferring your wealth to the next generation

Transferring your wealth to the next generation
Teaser Title
Effective Date
2025-01-13 14:10
Short Description
We spend a lifetime generating wealth but few of us spend the time to ensure it’s passed on in the way we want it to.
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Downsize your home and boost your retirement savings

Downsize your home and boost your retirement savings
Teaser Title
Effective Date
2025-01-13 13:24
Short Description
Thinking of selling your home and boosting your retirement savings? Our Head of Technical Services, Jenneke Mills, shares her tips and tricks for downsizer contributions.
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Diversifying investments: why it's important.

Diversifying investments: why it's important.
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Effective Date
2025-01-13 04:05
Short Description
In this article we explore why diversifying investment is so important, and how it can help to mitigate risks while maximising opportunities.
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Woman standing with arms crossed

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Phone: 1800 501 203

Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm